BOINC Development Fund

BOINC or the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing is a software tool connecting researchers with large data sets to an international network of volunteers willing to contribute their computational power. The combined computational power of BOINC’s volunteer computing network comprises one of the world’s largest supercomputers. Unfortunately, over its lifespan of 20 years, BOINC has suffered from a lack of development funding which is hampering its usability and functionality, preventing new user engagement and full utilization of hardware resources.

Indeed, BOINC’s network of volunteers continues to shrink, and if we want BOINC to survive and continue to be relevant, it needs some significant development. Until now, there has never been a way to directly contribute to BOINC development. Your contributions will go directly towards bug bounties.

These bounties will help us add a number of bugfixes and features to the BOINC software. These fixes will enhance BOINC’s usability/user experience by:

  • Making it easier for new project administrators to deploy BOINC for their project
  • Making it clearer to users when there are configuration issues
  • Updating/improving BOINC documentation
  • Increasing user-friendliness

We can accept donations via the following methods:

  • Paypal
  • CC/Debit Card
  • Crypto

Did you know that The IRS classifies cryptocurrency as property for tax purposes? This means donating crypto is typically the most tax-efficient way to support your favorite cause! When donating crypto, you both receive a tax deduction for the crypto’s fair market value AND you avoid the capital gains tax you would have incurred if you had sold the crypto and then made a cash donation. That means you’re able to donate more and deduct more on your tax return. The difference? Sometimes more than 30%.